Why Small Businesses Matter
Published on Wednesday, 18 July 2018 14:10
Written by Megan Reimers

Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community.
The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
Three questions with Dr. Jared DiLorenzo, owner of Danbury Chiropractic and Wellness.
Why did you start your business?
It may sound cliché but I always wanted to be in business to help people. I chose chiropractic as it is a natural form of healthcare that taps into the body’s innate ability to heal itself. As a Chiropractor, I have a great opportunity to educate my patient’s so they have the knowledge to make better health decisions for themselves. It is also very satisfying knowing that I am helping people achieve their health-related goals, from just simply getting out of pain, to achieving a health and wellness lifestyle.
What is your best selling product/service?
At Danbury Chiropractic and Wellness, we have intentionally created an environment where the staff is warm and friendly, the doctors are accessible, and all patients are treated with care and respect. Dr. DiLorenzo is also only one of seven practicing chiropractors in the state of CT that is certified in the Cox Technique. This technique is a non-surgical, non-hospital, gentle, well-researched, chiropractic spinal adjustment. The Cox Technique realigns and restores range of motion inherent to the spine while reducing low back pain, especially in radiculopathy (leg pain, arm pain) patients.
How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?
There are a number of local businesses that we utilize on a regular basis in order to provide outstanding patient care. We have the pleasure of working with the local attorneys at Ventura Law and Hokenga & Machado. The staff at Open MRI and Northeast Radiology are always very accommodating when scheduling our patients for advanced imaging procedures. Also when our patients are in severe pain we have the pleasure of working with the Pain and Spine Specialists of CT and Orthopedic Specialist of CT.
Danbury Chiropractic and Wellness is located at 85 North Street, Unit 7, Danbury.
Source: Why Small Businesses Matter: Danbury Chiropractic and Wellness

Why not call for an appointment today?
(203) 792-9582
Interactive 3D Spine

Located in Danbury, Connecticut, Danbury Chiropractic and Wellness is a practice committed to treating a wide range of musculoskeletal and nerve conditions by enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Mon ~ 8:00am – 1:00pm, 3:00pm – 7:00pm Tues ~ 9:00am – 12:00pm, 3:00pm – 7:00pm Wed ~ 8:00am – 1:00pm, 3:00pm – 7:00pm Thurs ~ Closed
Fri ~ 8:00am – 1:00pm, 3:00pm – 7:00pm
Sat ~ 8:00am – 12:00pm
Sun ~ Closed